Frequently Asked Questions

  • Genetics-based nutrition tailors dietary recommendations to an individual's genetic makeup to achieve the best results possible. Our genes influence how our bodies respond to different nutrients, foods, and dietary patterns. By analyzing a person's genetic information, through methods like DNA testing, experts identify specific genetic variations (known as single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs) that affect how our bodies respond to certain nutrients, in addition to food sensitivities, and our risk factors for certain health conditions.

    With this information,  a truly personalized nutrition plan can be developed to achieve goals without the guesswork; healthy and sustainable weight loss, gut and hormone health, and improved energy and mood are the most common outcomes!

  • Everyone that wants to truly optimize their health and wellbeing should use a genetic approach! A genetics-informed approach to nutrition provides personalized, precise and effective dietary plans that traditional non-informed approaches lack. We provide answers that traditional approaches can’t answer like the reason you can’t lose weight or why you hold most of the weight on your face or abdomen.

    By addressing genetic predispositions, we optimize health outcomes, including easy and permanent weight loss, balanced gut and hormones, and overall well-being. 

    Our approach includes regular monitoring and adjustments to ensure ongoing optimization of health outcomes. By integrating genetics into nutrition strategies, we maximize effectiveness and promote long-term wellness.

  • A genetics-led diet tailors dietary recommendations based on an individual’s genetic makeup, which can significantly impact weight loss outcomes. This personalized approach considers genetic variations that influence metabolism, nutrient absorption, appetite, and other factors relevant to weight management. Addressing these factors and/or deficiencies can improve overall metabolic efficiency, reduce overeating and aid in weight here

  • By providing precise recommendations based on an individual’s genetics, genetic nutrition takes the guesswork out of things like macronutrient and micronutrient requirements, as well as exercise (high or low intensity, minutes of cardio etc), food intolerances and more.

  • Working with Juniper looks like a one of a kind, personalized approach to meeting your needs. We offer a judgment-free and supportive environment with a health-first approach always. 

    Depending on the program, support is available on a daily basis. A client's food, stress, digestion, and sleep are tracked and monitored with continuous course correction to ensure the best results possible. 

    We also look at lifestyle factors such as exercise, stress management, and sleep patterns to promote holistic well-being. By combining genetic knowledge with a comprehensive understanding of nutrition and lifestyle factors, our experts empower clients to achieve their goals effectively and sustainably.

  • Absolutely, plant-based individuals have unique macro and micronutrient needs that, if properly met through genetic nutrition, can greatly improve mood, hormone function, athletic performance, and expedite weight loss.

  • Proper nutrition is not a ‘one size fits all’ model…it’s not even one size fits most! What’s perfect for one person won’t be right for the next. If you know what your body needs to lose weight, increase energy, or regulate your hormones, the rest is simple! A customized, genetics-based nutrition program takes out all of the guesswork, and leaves you with an approach that feels natural – because it’s meant for you!em description

  • Juniper programs are driven by your unique genetics – this is what sets us apart. We identify and address your specific needs, giving you the key to your health, energy, or weight loss goals. Catering to your body’s unique demands will improve digestion, mood, reduce inflammation, and produce reliable, sustainable results that support lifelong wellness.

  • All Juniper programs begin with a comprehensive intake assessment, detailed genetic testing, and either 30-days or 3 months of coaching depending on the package you select. Juniper clientele receive unlimited access and support from their coach, weekly check-ins to ensure accountability and best results, a personalized food plan based on your unique needs, and both exercise and stress management strategies.

  • Genetic testing is conducted, via saliva or cheek swab collection, by the University of Toronto. DNA is tested for specific nutrition-related markers, and includes only genes relevant to nutritional and exercise needs. Testing analyzes variations in genes that impact nutrient metabolism, eating habits, weight management, body composition, food intolerances, physical activity, and additional genetic markers for health and wellness.

    Note: We do not test for genetic predisposition to certain diseases.

    Note: Genetic testing is not mandatory, but strongly suggested. Customized nutrition programs are available to those who decline genetic testing.

  • Through comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of your body’s systems, we highlight underlying digestive, intestinal, and hormone imbalances that limit your ability to reach health and wellness goals if left unaddressed. Our programs are tailored to meet these specific needs while allowing you to achieve your goals.

  • Juniper programs are structured in 12 week blocks to mirror the amount of time required to develop the habits required for sustainable improvement.

    Phase 1 focuses on fundamentals, including simple yet crucial protocols to kickstart weight loss, and strengthen your digestive system for future phases.

    Phase 2 leverages your genetic testing results to address your body’s specific needs to influence weight loss, energy levels, and hormone function.

    Phase 3 optimizes your energy levels and further improves weight loss through fostering metabolic changes that meet micro and macronutrient demands to deliver your best results yet!

  • Of course! Genetic Nutrition looks beyond diets, whether vegan, vegetarian, paleo, or keto. That said, Plant-based individuals have unique macro and micronutrient needs that, if properly met, can greatly improve mood, hormone function, athletic performance, and expedite weight loss.

    If you are following a vegan or vegetarian diet, we recommend booking a 15-Minute JuniperVeg consultation to discuss your unique needs.

  • Customized genetic nutrition programs do not replace medical interventions, but they do compliment them. We strongly recommend first seeking medical advice for any issues you may be experiencing, and sharing that information with us as soon as possible.

    Working with Juniper Nutrition is a critical component of a modern, comprehensive approach to health. Juniper clientele are taking an active role in their healthcare to achieve the best possible outcomes.

  • Juniper programs do not replace medical interventions, nor do they address cardiovascular, skeletal, or nervous system imbalances. We do not offer personal training at this time.

    Note: Genetic testing is not intended to prevent, mitigate, or cure disease. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatments.

  • Supplements may be recommended as a way to expedite results, they are optional. Cyto-Matrix products are endorsed by Juniper Nutrition, as their products are third-party tested and exceed Health Canada pharmaceutical standards.

  • Digestive health lays the foundation for energy balance, optimal health, and performance. It does so by reducing inflammation, increasing nutrient absorption, and strengthening your metabolism.

  • We provide the genetic test kit as part of all Juniper programs. The test kit is delivered straight to your door and comes with pre-paid postage back to the laboratory. We make it easy!