Recipe: Chocolate Smoothie for Weight Loss & More Energy


  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

  • ½ banana

  • 1 cup spinach

  • 2 tb cacao powder

  •   2 tsp maca powder

  •   2 tb almond butter

  •   1 tb hemp hearts

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Directions (makes 1 smoothie):

  1. Blend leafy greens and liquids

  2. Blend in remaining ingredients

  3. Enjoy!

The Goods:

Almond milk: Contains a little bit of protein. Provides a creamy base to the smoothie.

Banana: High in potassium, B6, folate. Provides sweetness and an energy boost.

Spinach: Contains phytonutrients and fiber that will minimize any blood sugar spikes from the natural sugars in the smoothie.

Cacao powder: Boosts your energy levels and metabolism. Contains key minerals needed in abundance for energy, muscles, nerves and hormone balance.

Maca powder: Powerful herbal adaptogen that balances hormones and supports stress response.

Almond butter: Curbs your appetite and helps your digestive system.

Hemp hearts: Have twice as much protein as chia seeds.

Cinnamon: Helps regulate your blood glucose levels and fights inflammation. Promotes sustainable energy.


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