Recipe: Seed Cycling Energy Balls

Each batch makes 28 balls.

To support your hormones, eat x2 balls per day according to the phase in your cycle.

Mix wet ingredients together then mix into dry ingredients. Each ball is 2 tb. Form balls with hands. Lasts in fridge for 5 days or longer in freezer.

*Note that if you are not sure when you ovulate - use Day 14 of cycle instead as a best guess.


FOLLICULAR PHASE (Day 1-ovulation):

-          2/3 cup organic peanut butter

-          ¾ cup + 2TB raw pumpkin seeds

-          ¾ + 2TB raw ground flaxseed

-          2/3 cup unsweetened coconut

-          ½ cup gluten free oats

-          ½ cup mini vegan dark chocolate chips

-          ¼ cup raw unpasteurized honey

-          1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


LUTEAL PHASE (Ovulation - first day of period):

-          2/3 cup organic peanut butter

-          ¾ cup + 2TB raw sunflower seeds

-          ¾ + 2TB ground raw sesame seeds

-          2/3 cup unsweetened coconut

-          ½ cup gluten free oats

-          ½ cup mini vegan dark chocolate chips

-          ¼ cup raw unpasteurized honey

-          1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


Recipe: Viral Air Fryer Cookie


Recipe: Healthy Pancakes